Imagine repurposing of the vibration component inside a mobile phone to use mechanism's eccentric weight to charge the divice by the reflexive movement of the user. I call it EcoReflexive. Walking, running, bouncing, basically any movement would deliver small amounts of charge to the battery.
Phone have ringers but when they're put on silent an eccentric weight is used to vibrate the phone allowing the user to be silently notified. Seeing that this component is only used when the phone is in silent mode and only then when it needs to notify the user, it has a lot of free time which could be repurposed to actively charge the device. This mechanism converts otherwise unused potential energy from movement into useable energy for a device.
The repurposing of this component would be extremely significant to the cellphone industry. A user would never have to worry that their device may run out of battery juice. This could also be a competitor to inductive charging aka changing mats. Place the device on a silent mirco-oscillating charing deck that charges the divice by movement. This would also work if a solar charging case manufacture would implement this as a secondary component.
Update: This has been submitted to OpenInvo.com by its author.
1 comment:
Great idea I thOught of something very simlar when looking at my self winding elwatch today!
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