
Recycle Cans Win a Vacation


Here's a great idea. A travel company that works strictly off of recycled cans. Set up vacations that are set at a certain 'can' prices. Potential customers/clients pay solely through recycled cans.

Say a vacation costs $1000/person, and cans are bringing in 5 cents a piece, 20,000 cans covers your cost. Charge a 25,000 can donation and turn a profit. This is basically a fundraiser for the average Joe.

Can an average Joe go to IUP and collect 25,000 cans for a vacation? If he/she has enough motivation, he/she sure as hell can (might just take a home coming weekend +). What about collecting cans for the next 4 years, for a weekend getaway? No problem!

Do nothing. Collect cans. Pay in vacations. Earn lots.

cellPIG has done it again! Holy pig doo doo he's a wiz. OINK! Complements of Mike and Bryan


Donald Meteny said...

Where does Average Joe keep 25k cans?? The travel agency should accept all cans at any time and keep a tally for each can turn-er-in-er (very techinical). Travel agency makes a profit even before a single vacation is purchased. Its genius but won't work in every state. I think some states don't pay out for recycled items. Also, I'd start this in a state that gives the maximum amount for the item.

Tim Laurent said...

Could I also suggest the recycling site to help you in your can collecting adventures? Register as a collector on ecycler and discarders will help save cans for you--especially if they are going to a good cause :-)

James Evans said...

What a stupid idea! said...

The PIG just farted in James Evans direction, challenging him to come up with a viable idea. OINK!