
Granny Alert Doorbell System


I recently went to visit my grama, she don't get around as much as she use to and it took awhile for her to get to the front door. By the time she made it there I had already went to the back door (bc i was born with tiger blood) and knocked. She walked towards the back and I went around front. It was a real Abbot and Costello bit for a few minutes before I was finally able to catch her at a door.

This gave me the idea for a notification system that informs the doorbell ringer that the person in the house recognizes someone is at the door and they should wait there until they make it there. This would end a lot of confusion and needless walking (even though walking is for winners).


Small Adventures said...

i would like this, mostly for the Abbott and Costello reference, if your grammar wasn't so awful. ;)

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't be so picky at least you can ready plus this isn't a test lol

Raquel said...

Patience is a virtue.
...and so is proper spelling ;)