1. Tech support would be much much much easier because now a person's entire hardware profile is known. Potentially this could be extended to software as well.
2. And this is the brilliant bit: this gives everyone real-time number of what platforms are being used, by whom and where.
The second thing was spawned when I got an Android phone to replace my iPhone. I found myself suddenly writing emails to every app maker and hardware manufacturer requesting they support Android. With this system in place, such requests would be moot as now companies can see exactly how big of a market a particular device commands.
Eric, Maybe I'm not grasping the idea but I know google analytics shows devices, OS's and browsers and can be implemented into any app.
No, not quite. The point is to have every person's devices logged. That way manufactures and app makes know who owns what. Not what devices are using your app. That way, an app maker can say, for example, "It looks like the android market is definitely growing so I'll develop for it."
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