
What's going on? Show me!


There is probably something like this out there already in one form or another. The idea is to scrape twitter for tweets concerning recent events like concerts, bar tours, 5/10K runs, film festivals, etc. The system will take the geolocation of each tweet and then find photos related to those events on sites like PicasaWeb, Flikr, Photobucket, etc.

The system will be able to figure out what photos are associated with what event by finding information on the event, and most importantly, the date and associating that with the datestamps on the photos.

What you'd get is a map and a timeline where events are marked and photos are displayed. The idea could also be expanded to show, for example the history of particular landmark like the Statue of Liberty. At least, as far back as we have had geo-tagged photos on digital cameras.

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