
Fully Functional Waterproof Backpack


My job requires me to be outside in any weather condition. I have a backpack I carry with me that hold my tools and other necessities including rain gear. I bought a dry sack last year to put over my bag but it is a bit inconvenient when I need something from inside my bag. Usually in that situation I need whatever I'm looking for in a hurry. I have to unroll the dry bag, take my backpack out, find the item then close everything back up.

So when I was in REI yesterday I asked the employee if there was a backpack that was full waterproof. He showed me to the dry bags section. I explained to him my situation and he, being an avid backpacker, explained that a fully functional waterproof bag would not fit the needs of someone worried about every ounce. But I'm sure there a many people like myself need that require functionality over practicality.

A waterproof bookbag could be built just the same as a waterproof jacket. Gortex body, hyrolocking zippers, welded seams and ventilation. The would allow functional operation while in all climates and conditions without the use of a outer bag.

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