
Dripless Toilet


Okay, so our aim isn't that great. And, toiletbowl manufactures refuse to reform so I submit, to the public, a new design that accommodates even the poorest of shooters.

Conventional bowl designs have a flat top (see figure 1.1) which create a complication when a rim shot occurs. This type of shot happens nearly every time and creates a very messy situation. The fluid has to choose which side of the falt top to run down and it seems to always favor the outside, says my mother. (see figure 1.2)

My design reduces the width of the flat top by forcing the fluid directly into the bowl thereby eliminating the rim shot all together (see figure 1.3). With this design the only outside runoff would come from a direct hit to exterior of the bowl. If this occurs, the shooter might need to sit down.

1 comment:

Donald Meteny said...

Obviously, the manufacture of this type of bowl would also have to design a proprietary seat and lid to fit this new design. I'm add some scetches later.