
Armpit Exfoliant for Smelly Pits


Do you ever have the not-so-fresh feeling even after you get out of the shower? Sometimes even the best soap can't get that odor out! Don't let your stinky armpits keep you from your friends!

Face it, everyone has this problem sometimes! Our armpits are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The bacteria builds up in the wrinkles in the skin and on the hair follicles. This causes, what I like to call, defriendus stinkus which is a horrible social epidemic. It causes you to be smelly and then your friends don't want to hang out with you anymore. This happened to me recently so instead of washing my pits with bodywash I used exfoliating face wash which seemed to do the trick. The exfoliation and extra care spent on this body part got the bacteria and the smell out and I was able to hang out with my friends once again.

This exfoliating soap for smelly problem areas should be marketed to the consumer. Take a look at the deodorant isle to see all the "clinical strength" and super ulta deodorant and antiperspirants already flooding the market. People are worried about their smelly armpits and they should have another solution to turn to. This product should specifically target the armpit area.

Note: I hope this is developed by a soap company that uses eco-friendly materials as exfoliants. There's some companies out there using plastic bits that get washed down the drain and straight into the ocean.

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