
Cake Slicer and Transporter All in One Happy


The idea is simple. Take a regular plastic cake transporter (one of those that have a plastic dome that locks to the base for easy carrying) and put plastic slits that run the diameter of the dome. When you have the cake centered on the carrying base and place the lid on, you slice the cake in half. Lift, turn and slice again. Easy as pie.


Unknown said...

I would totally buy this. Start patent process immediately so, Martha Stewart, doesn't try to Deeboe you.

Unknown said...

Dang it!! There's something similar already out there.

Donald Meteny said...

Tacita, I think that gadget you found just marks the cake with even pieces so you can cut it correctly. (lazy)

Eric, do you think this will be messy? Is it dishwasher safe?

Donald Meteny said...

Mmm, chocolate cake.